highly allergic to splendor


I’ve reached peak spiral. Downward. DUH, you are saying aloud to your pets and/or cable tv family. EIGHTEEN weeks y’all. 18. I thought I had it conquered. I thought I had it managed. But all my coping skills have been exhausted, old and new.

Have a job in a school.
Indoor group exercise classes.
Library books.
Going to the movie theater.
Bachelorette watch parties.
Cheese plates with real life groups of people.

BUT, okay. I can PIVOT.

Take an online class.
Do online exercise videos.
Buy books to support local bookstore.
Binge Roku, Hulu, Prime, HBOGO, Netflix, et al.
Garden! Pool!
Even, EVEN, have people over to eat their own BYOcheese on our porch. 

I have reached the end of these coping skills. Mainly because it is 101 degrees outside and mainly because I AM DONE WITH IT.

I know. In less than a month, we will be back in some sort of job/school/busy combo. Will that help? At least distract me? Give me something specific to scream about in to the void?

Lest ye mandatory reporters begin to worry, I’m good. Maybe blogging will be my new/old/now coping mechanism. Feel free to send other suggestions for making it through the next 3-18 weeks.

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