highly allergic to splendor


Things I Did During Week 5 of Covid-2019-2020

Restarted the 5-7 stages of grief.

Finished 502-page Churchill book.

Started 1 craft.

Got asked if I’ve been able to work out (this is the opposite of being asked have you been working out).

Worked out every day.

Figured out that my crappy urban grocery store has perfect curbside service.

Wore my mask to Target.

Wore my hair in pigtails.

Went to a track-and-field senior lighting-ceremony drive-by (how do these words make sense now?).

Found a new favorite park to people-watch and people-judge in.

Pre-ordered local pastries a week in advance.

Ordered someone a Little Debbie birthday gift box (not you, Debby, but Happy Birthday!).

Wore a sweatshirt and leftover NYE 2020 glasses for class zoom call.

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One thought on “V

  1. dprum on said:


    Thank you. I’m sort of smiling now instead of the usual grinding my teeth.

    Big Debby

    Deborah Prum debprum@comcast.net debprum@gmail.com http://www.deborahprum.com http://deborahprum.com/blog/ amazon.com/author/deborahprum


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